I-90 Heading up to Sheridan.

Sheridan, WyomingJul 10, 20120 Comments

Heading down the mountain or large hill before you get to Sheridan exit, heading towards Montana. My expierence fits what someone else said here. I am from out of state. I told the officer I was not speeding and I had my cruise control on, set at under 70 mph. The speed limit was 75. I then slowed down to under 65, because that was the speed limit at the construction zone. I also rember someone passing me on the right lane, because I was driving in the left lane. He did not get pulled over, but I did. I do believe the real speeder was from Wyoming. I live 1,100 miles from here. It will cost more to show up in court for a case I might loose. I am shocked.

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