on 16th Street near Lyttonsville Rd, north and south bound

Silver Spring, MarylandJul 29, 20125 Comments

Speed-trap cameras have been installed pointing both directions where the road is 3 lanes in both directions and the speed limit is ONLY 35mph. No police officer. Ticket is sent in the mail. This is a most egregious example of Big Brother abuse of power and technology. It will be a huge money maker for the State of Maryland.

This is crazy, the 'photo enforced' sign is hidden behind bushes. 35 is too slow except during traffic. My Radar Detector went off FIVE TIMES during a short stretch of like....less than a mile. Guess what? LASER ALERT. They are using Laser based speed cameras and red light cameras now....watch out, crazy stuff.
#1Sep 12, 2012Report Abuse
this was turning right off 97th st, btw.
#2Sep 12, 2012Report Abuse
As of today (1/28/18), the southbound camera is at the corner of Lyttonsville Road and 16th St. It is a white, waist-high rectangular box sitting on the ground (not up on a pole). It is just above a downhill stretch where it is very easy- and tempting- to accelerate to a speed well above the posted 35MPH. Beware!!
#3Jan 28, 2018Report Abuse
The original poster is correct, there are detectors in both directions. The northbound one is on the southeast corner of 16th St. and 2nd Ave. Like the one for southbound traffic (see above comment), it's a white rectangular box sitting on the ground.
#4Feb 10, 2018Report Abuse
Just an update re the detector on northbound 16th- it has been moved south about one-quarter mile from its old location at the southeast corner of 16th St. and 2nd Ave. Maybe it was too obvious at that spot. In its new location you come upon it just after the bridge where 16th straightens and goes due north. It will be on your right-hand side. If were going faster than 35 coming into the bridge you're dead meat. Beware!!
#5Nov 06, 2018Report Abuse

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