I-30 Winfield/Titus County

Winfield, TexasSep 18, 20122 Comments

LE in this town are absolutely ridiculous. Pulled over for going over posted limit, despite going with the flow of traffic / no faster than anyone else.

Cop was waiting underneath an overpass on the opposite site of the roadway with a Ka band radar. Didn’t notice the cop until I hit the peak of the hill I was on–up until that point, he was invisible. He turned around, pursued me from afar for a few minutes, and then turned his lights on.

Officer Derp can barely formulate complete sentences, and clearly didn’t get much farther than the 8th grade. Because this city is such a boring sack of crap, a second charger pulls up behind this cop a few minutes later and does nothing.

Immediately after my ticket is issued, he lights up another guy who is passing by.

This town is looking to make money. They don’t give a damn about public safety. Avoid at all costs.

So you were speeding. Guess it's OK for YOU to speed.
#1Nov 06, 2013Report Abuse
I had a totally different experience last night. The Winfield Police stopped me for having no tail lights. I got a warning ticket, but they also helped me track down the problem and even installed a new fuse for me! It was the first time I'd been stopped since getting my LTC. It was no big deal. LTC is a new phrase since January. It used to be CHL. When I said LTC, I had to explain it. He asked me where I was carrying and that was all there was to it. They went beyond the call to service in my book!
#2Mar 09, 2016Report Abuse

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