Hwy 190

Livonia, LouisianaDec 03, 20122 Comments

Clock you outside of town limits then pull you over in town.
They use a service out of Georgia to take care of fines.
As the lady said, small communities use them so it cannot be classified as a speed trap.

Pulled over coming into town from the east, the cop was sitting on Isabel by the Chevron station. Cop says I was going 81 in 55 and gave me a speeding + a careless operation. I believe I was speeding, but no where near 81 which coincidentally is 25+ over. The speed limit changes on 190 from 65 to 55 and I had just passed 3 semi's who were in a row. I think I was going 65 and accelerated to pass, when I got pulled over. When I called to ask for calibration records and instrument number they would not give it to me. Also asked for a court date change or process for non-residents (as I am from out of state and the car had a Utah license plate) and they said they "do not change court dates". I am fighting the 'careless operation' ticket, not the speeding. Quite the racket!
#1Feb 29, 2016Report Abuse
I currently received a speeding ticket doing 75 in a 55. As I was coming up on the chevron station on 190 east. I was doing 56 according to my programmer and speedometer, while other vehicles were passing me in the right lane. He pulled me over about 2 miles past the chevron. Continued to tell me I was in the 70s and it was a 55 mph zone. I don't see 1st how he could have even clocked me seeing to how he was not facing me, 2nd he told me I was in the 70s but wouldn't tell me a specific amount but just put 75 on the ticket. I am a veteran of the army, and have integrity so I would admit if I was speeding to own up to it. But I know if I would have been doing 75 mph on the "rough" road, I would have been smashing into other drivers. also I have a vehicle that sticks out like a sore thumb due to up grades, I'm sure there was some profiling involved.
#2May 16, 2016Report Abuse

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