Route 232 (Windy Bush Rd) between Pineville & Aquetong Rds.

New Hope, PennsylvaniaJan 04, 20131 Comments

Officers will sit in driveways and side roads, mainly on the north side of the road, with a hand-held device.

This is actually Solebury Township - the cop told me when he was writing the ticket. The trap is at the bottom of the hill - about 1.8 miles down hill. The Speed limit is 40 MPH but if you aren't watching carefully, you can easily get up to 70. Voice of experience here. This has been a major source of revenue - a cop sits in a drive near the bottom of the hill. You can tell the people they've gotten by the brake lights maintaining 40 MPH. The ones they are going to get arethe ones doing over 40 or tailgating the ones who have been caught.
#1Feb 15, 2013Report Abuse

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