S.B. SH 190 (Bush Fwy) Miller Road exit ramp

Rowlett, TexasJan 16, 20130 Comments

Rowlett Police have been stationed on the service road adjacent to the water tower. They ticket those coming off Bush Fwy if they exceed the 50 mph speed limit posted on the service road. They sit 300 feet in front of the 50 mph speed limit sign. The speed limit on Bush is 70 mph and doesn’t change by Texas law until 1000 feet past the 50 mph speed limit sign. Therefore, what the police are doing is illegal. If you get stopped, plead not guilty and the prosecutor should throw out the case. If not, go to trial. It’s a PITA but that’s the way things are until this police tactic stops. For those traveling S.B. on the service road from Main St., the 50 mph speed limit is posted south of Main St. and is enforceable. So if they stop you, it’s legal, but it’s not for those caught coming off Bush Fwy.

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