Hwy 82 and 520

Dawson, GeorgiaJun 09, 20131 Comments

There is always a policeman sitting there waiting for you like the spider and the fly. They now have those devices that will catch you for tags expired as well as insurance. Speed is a lesser offense to them. Would rather catch those violaters with outstanding warrants or major $3000 fines.

I was stopped yesterday and he stated that I was going 16 miles over speed limit! He said that I had the right to check his calibration, never mentioned the radar! Why not? I did not look down, but this is a 2 lane residential area so I some doubt that I was going that fast! In Georgia if you are going 15 miles over speed limit it is an automatic $150 fine for that! They sit in this school zone to catch you and fines double. Yesterday was Labor Day, so that should not factor in to it! It is a cottage industry for this town while the gangs are shooting the mayor they are using entrapment to catch speeders!
#1Sep 08, 2015Report Abuse

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