Pierce Ferry Road

Dolan Springs, ArizonaJul 07, 20130 Comments

June 30, 2013 I was driving to the Grand Canyon SkyWalk for the last 2 hours from Las Vegas and stopped at Dolan Springs to get gas. 150 feet from pulling out from getting gas I was going around 40 mph behind a big gas truck and didn’t see the only 25 mph sign that will be on this road for the next 49 miles. The 25 mph area only covers i would say 1/16th of a mile and it immediately goes up to 45 and then 55. I got stopped and he give me a 210 dollar ticket after I told him that he was giving out tickets and he was just trying to make money from people instead of fighting real crime. He came out and told me that ” your driving might be ok to you in California but over here its different. you might run over some kids”. Granted on paper he has got me but there is the law and then their is the spirit of the law in which it is intended and this speed sign is a gotcha tourist trap. After going to the SkyWalk we had to drive back to Dolan Springs to get back on the major highway. Who do we see camping at the exact location I was stopped with the only 25 mph sign I saw the whole time. If you get stopped make sure to give them hell.

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