Independence, MissouriMar 14, 20140 Comments

Always, Always, Always watch for Patrol Cars at this Intersection, whether it be (MHP) Missouri Hiway Patrol, Independence Cops, or Jackson County Sheriff’s. I’ve seen all three at this very popular location. Now that it’s warm weather watch for Independence Motorcycle Cops too! SPEED LIMIT on Little Blue Parkway is 45MPH, Trust me I do not go over 50MPH……USE YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ON THIS NEW ROAD!!! Newer road from 40 highway to 24 highway. 4 lane divided. Right now with no businesses, it is my opinion there is no real reason why the speed limit should be so slow! Suggest a speed limit of at least 55mph or 60mph. Right now I see no reason for the stop light at Necessary Road that basically goes no where! Next stop light north is Truman Road an and 23rd Street (78 hwy) that runs east to 7 highway..
you are out in the country and the 45mph speed limit is a somewhat slow for the area!!…..THAT’S WHY COPS LOVE THIS ROAD SO MUCH!

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