Rt 9 North (Mill Road) about 1/2 mile from downtown

Rhinebeck, New YorkApr 13, 20140 Comments

About 1/2 mile from downtown, the speed limit is posted at 30 mph with no indication that you have entered Rhinebeck or are now on Mill Road. Rt 9 has a 55 mph speed limit, as can be confirmed by signage on Southbound side, whereby the limit goes to 45 about opposite the 30 mph trap sign and “State speed limit 55” another hundred yards beyond.
About 200 yards north from the single sign is a store parking lot, where police sit (today with one facing north, another south). The trap exists because there is no indication you’ve entered Rhinebeck until the rising right curve reveals homes and parking; ’til then it looks like Rt 9 and lulls one into an engine braking slow down, not fast enough to avoid the trap.

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