Yosemite North bound crossing County Line Road

Lone Tree, ColoradoSep 03, 20141 Comments

Just crossing County Line Road going North on Yosimite 500 feet into Arapahoe county a motorcycle deputy from the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department is sitting in the exit from the Lazy Boy furniture store with a radar/lazer gun. There are no speed limit signs visible northbound but the deputy will pull you over and tell you that the speed limit is 35. Whatever speed you were doing he will show you the digital readout on radar/lazer gun and write you a ticket, and it”s easy to get a $100 one if you think the speed limit on this section of Yosemite is going to be 45 because it is a wide and stright wide four lane road with limited number of entrances for side traffic. Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office makes 44,000 traffic stops a year and collects one million six hundred thousand dollars in fines a year. So if you don”t want to contribute to their revenue drive slower in Arapahoe county or better yet don”t drive there at all.

This is listed under Lone Tree. The location is actually in Centennial.
#1Nov 13, 2022Report Abuse

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