Hwy 59 and 281

George West, TexasApr 18, 20151 Comments

This is a Hwy and city cops run it all day giving tickets like hot cakes. There is a new bridge they put up going over the railroad and the City cops sits on one side or the other just waiting on you to come over the speed limits drop from 75, 70, 55, 45 with in yards of each other. Mind you this is City cops not Hwy patrol not Sheriff dep. At this bridge on hwy 59 and 281 also on hwy 37 and 59 be vigilant if you are going through George West..

There is a new wrinkle to this tap right in the middle of this for two and one half blocks the speed limit drops to 30 I was at the back of a group of about six and got the ticket for going 41 in a 30mphzone. It is posted just not enough time to react.
#1Apr 12, 2016Report Abuse

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