I 75 South in Gordon County exit 318-315

Calhoun, GeorgiaMay 24, 20150 Comments

Traveling home from a 12 hour shift, didn’t notice any traps or cop/trooper cars. Saw a GA state trooper & slowed down. Apparently, that was too late he pulled behind me lights went on at exit 315. There were 2 other cars being written tickets at a deserted gas station, so I pulled next to them. Officer stated I passed him (which I didn’t-slowed down next to him) going 84 mph in a 65mph. However, humiliation and exhaustion set in as I signed the ticket, after he pulled away I noticed he wrote 87 mph in a 60 mph. At that rate “Super Speeder” is assessed onto my DL and an extra $200. Across the street there were 2 more cars being issued tickets and another lady pulling into the deserted gas station. 3 exits down were 3 more cars being issued tickets. The state of Georgia made A LOT of money that day.

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