Hubbard between 5 Mile and 6 Mile, Buchanan Elementary

Livonia, MichiganOct 16, 20151 Comments

Hubbard between 5 Mile and 6 Mile is a residential road that has a very long and set back entrance to the Buchanan Elementary School. Next to the school entrance is a church. A cop car is parked in the church parking lot and waiting for anyone going over the speed limit. The speed limit is 30 miles, however most go over the speed limit since it’s a low traffic area and it’s an easy trap to be caught in. The school is not on Hubbard road, and you have to drive far off Hubbard to get to it. But being that close to an elementary school still makes this an ideal place for cops to assert their letter of the law on speeding.

I live in Livonia and have often driven here. I believe that the phrase speed trap is no different and no worse than the phrase speed limit or stop sign. The road's description begins with "residential road" which should clue drivers and calling up Google street view, see that Hubbard is a smooth, straight, asphalt two-lane with shoulders barely wide enough for a bicycle, with grass-filled ditches bordering both sides. Residents along Hubbard welcome enforcement of posted limits not only for noise abatement, but safety when entering / exiting their driveways. I understand that exceeding speed limits on smooth, straight roads is tempting to many American drivers, as I earned a speeding ticket decades ago slightly west of this location.
#1Mar 15, 2016Report Abuse

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