Intersection of Lake County road 99 and us 24.

Leadville, ColoradoJun 24, 20160 Comments

This used to be a local secret shortcut to get around leadville if traveling through. Now it is the primary route listed by Google maps. You enter highway 24 within a 40 mph zone but the posted sign is placed about a quarter mile before that point of entry. In another words if you enter that highway and travel west, the speed limit sign is placed east of the intersection and an entering motorist will not know. The next sign traveling that direction lists the speed limit as 55. A local resident told me that the police are always there ticketing people. The reason for the reduction is valid in my opinion since it allows residents of a trailer park to enter and exit the highway. However there is no way for a traveler to know about the actual speed limit nor the trailer park until you round the corner. If traveling through 24 there is adequate notice but if follow the quicker route now navigated by Google you will not know that a highway has a lot speed limit of 40.

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