Billy Graham Parkway

Charlotte, North CarolinaFeb 19, 20190 Comments

In 20+ years of driving this limited access 4 lane, I’ve never seen the number of CMPD cars/SUVs/motorcycles devoted to a daytime traffic enforcement effort. Actually in 55+ years of driving this was a 1st.

Don’t know why but there were 15+ chasers on the eastbound Tyvola on ramp (multiple motorcycles, etc) with 6 vehicles already stopped. There were 4 chase vehicles at the West Blvd intersection and an additional 7 chase vehicles at Morris Field, with 1 engaged in writing a citation at the airport connector.

I’ve attempted to contact CMPD to determine why a limited access highway posted at 55 mph with virtually no accidents (except @ intersections during rush-hour) requires this intensive traffic enforcement.

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