Southside Blvd. north and southbound just over Beach Blvd.

Jacksonville, FloridaAug 30, 20211 Comments

Any day when the weather is good you can usually see a motorcycle cop on the side of SS Blvd. Northbound at Lehey Rd. with other cop shooting Laser on a tripod at cars coming over Beach Blvd overpass. Sometimes they set up on the South bound lanes just over the Beach Blvd. overpass. 45 mph speed limit.

These guys have been running a speeding ticket business in this area for years and the motorcycle cops are usually the mustache crew that does it, I authored some warnings on this site a while back and the motor cops were the ones involved, they can hide and blend in, the trap on beach blvd is a traffic engineering error, the speed limit is set way to low and they know it. those motorcycle cops are useless they do nothing except make tons of money for the city and escort dead cop funerals, they will always say they have had calls from neighbors of people speeding in neighborhood, that is made up. just never ask them becuase the same garbage always comes out of their mouth, it is a scripted response, just flip them off as your driving by doing the speed limit will piss them off then they will move on to another spot in the city if everyone does that, because if they are setting up a tripod you know it is a huge money maker
#1Oct 20, 2021Report Abuse

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