Wesleyville Borough (East of Erie) – Buffalo Road (US 20)

Wesleyville, PennsylvaniaNov 01, 20211 Comments

Wesleyville is a small town immediately east of the City of Erie.

Buffalo Road (US 20) drops from 40 miles per hour through Harborcreek, to 25 miles per hour at the eastern Wesleyville borough limit (right after Applebee’s at the bridge over Fourmile Creek, before Dollar Tree).

There is a Verizon substation building at the corner of Buffalo Road and Riverside Drive, and the Wesleyville officer will usually position his patrol car in the parking lot. There is, however, a traffic signal at the intersection of Buffalo and Water Street (immediately after the Riverside intersection, where the old GetGo and Dollar Tree are located) that gives westbound drivers from Harborcreek a chance to slow down. However, the location of the signal in relation to the location of the sudden speed drop gives Wesleyville PD a distinct Advantage at catching people who don’t have enough time to slow down after entering the borough.

Wesleyville cops also like the hide in plain sight right in front of their police station. Lawrence Park police also "assist" Wesleyville. They've been known to hide on Buffalo Road and follow drivers into Wesleyville to try to pull them over. Sometimes they'll even follow you to Bird Drive, which is the Erie city line.
#1Mar 19, 2024Report Abuse

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