I-80 and US 67

Le Claire, IowaFeb 16, 20221 Comments

The super cameras here have biked $6,310,250 in the first 10 months of operation. Don’t contribute to this town’s budget!

Source: https://qctimes.com/news/local/leclaires-two-speed-cameras-have-issued-6-310-150-in-fines-in-10-months-police/article_85666768-ac64-5d09-829a-5e12d2adc588.html#tracking-source=most-popular-homepage

le claire is just off i80. Stop in, go to a store, pick out something VERY expensive, take it to checkout, and tell the clerk you can no longer afford it due to the town's speed cameras. Drop it and leave.
#1Oct 08, 2022Report Abuse

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