Country Club Drive near West Broadway Road

Mesa, ArizonaJan 08, 20081 Comments

Northbound on Country Club Drive (AZ 87) just past the railroad overpass at Broadway, Police motorcycle hiding behind brick wall with hand held radar gun. Country Club is 45 MPH all the way to this point but drops to 35 MPH just before the overpass. I have seen them there in the morning and evening rush hour, and late at night, especially on Friday and Saturday.


This trap is still being used. I was just in Mesa, AZ this past week for work and received a speeding ticket on Friday Morning 5/20/11. I was heading southbound on Country Club Drive, approaching the railroad overpass when I noticed the motorcycle cop. I was traveling 45 MPH. As a resident of Orange County, CA, I thought this was an acceptable speed for a 6 lane road (come to find out now its even a highway, AZ Route 87). I've never seen such a large street that is filled with commercial, industrial, and retail businesses have a speed limit of 35 MPH. What a joke! It blew my mind that I was going 10 MPH over the posted speed limit. The worst part is that since I'm from out of state, I won't be able to contest the ticket and will just have to mail in the fine. So incredibly frustrating!
#1May 23, 2011Report Abuse

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