Calle Cristobal / Sorrento Valley Blvd Street near Camino Santa Fe Street

San Diego, CaliforniaJul 21, 20081 Comments

From the intersecton of Camino SantaFe all the way west to the Rail Road tracks in Sorrento Valley.
Recently they have erected speed monitoring displays that trigger K/Ka band detectors. However they still sit on the North side and South sides of the road and run instant on Radar traps. And they are jerks about it even though every 4 way intersection is traffic light controlled and the entire roadway is divided by wide, raised pavered medians with clearly marked cross walks at the signal controlled intersections.
45 mph is far too conservative for this length of roadway.

This was the site of frequent drag racing and 1 death when someone jumped one of those "high" medians and slammed into a tree. Unfortunately, due to their stupidity we are paying the price.
#1Dec 08, 2009Report Abuse

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