US Highway 105 Eastbound near Passing 710 fwy

Downey, CaliforniaNov 27, 20071 Comments

Watch your speed on non-traffic hours specially on weekends, there is a couple of cops on the right hand side standing with a radar gun right before the entrance of fwy of garfield/paramount. Other cops in their cars/motorcyles are at the next 3 exits waiting to pull you over for speeding. What they do is get the call from the cops who have the radar gun. I am not sure if this is legal, but I saw a lot of cops pulling over in every spot as well as saw cops in their cars waiting in entrance/exit spots waiting. I saw this on a Sunday morning.

CHP, not Downey PD. 105 Fwy & Garfield/Paramount is on the South Gate/Paramount border.
#1Oct 19, 2010Report Abuse

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