East end of town on Highway 64

Rangely, ColoradoJul 11, 20024 Comments

Speed limit in the town is 45mph. As you leave the town on Highway 64 heading east you descend down a steep hill with a 55mph sign clearly visible ahead. The tendency is not to brake on this hill because of this sign and the fact that the town has been cleared and no other access road leading into highway 64. The police sit in the 55mph zone on the north side of the road using radar on oncoming traffic just before it leaves the 45mph zone. I was well past the 55mph sign when pulled over. I believe the radar speed was also fudged by about 4-5 mph.

Once again, someone is fudging the facts to fit their excuse. The speed limit through town is 30, not 45. At the top of the hill leaving town the speed limit goes to 45 but one would have to accelerate pretty hard to exceed 45 at the bottom of the hill. There are 4 residences, 1 church, 1 state highway intersection and 2 county roads with access to Highway 64 between the 45 mph and the 55 mph signs so 45 is a prudent speed through this area. The 55 mph sign might be visible from the bottom of the hill but it only becomes legible about the time you pass most of the aforementioned access roads.
#1Apr 04, 2010Report Abuse
If your anywhere near Rangely just remember the police here make up their own rules!!!!!!!!! They are all wana be cops. They only know how to harass kids, DUI's and traffic tickets. They couldn't solve a real crime if it came with directions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2May 04, 2010Report Abuse
Poster #2 appears to have a personal vendetta? He (or she) has no argument with poster #1's comment. I would disregard #2 as sour grapes. Rangely has a fine, small town police department. They pick up kids who disregard the traffic laws, arrest DUI's and issue traffic tickets to those who deserve them. In other words, they do their job.
#3Jun 19, 2010Report Abuse
Rangely cops do a great job.
#4Oct 19, 2011Report Abuse

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