Main Street near Downtown

Crested Butte, ColoradoApr 20, 20052 Comments

The downtown area of Crested Butte has a rediculous 15MPH speedlimit. I was pulled over for going 26 in an 15 and given a $100 ticket with 4 points. This is a ploy by the predominately tourist driven town to raise money for local government. Boycott Crested Butte if possible to send them a message.

Lets see...a 26 in a 15...hmm well....seems to be speeding to me...nothing 'trap' to it!
#1Apr 01, 2010Report Abuse
If you want to drive 26 in a 15, on a narrow strip of bussiness district with heavy foot traffic, then we welcome your boycott because you endanger lives. So please don't visit if you can't obey the law.
#2Aug 14, 2010Report Abuse

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