Yosemite Street near I-25 and East Arapahoe Rd.

Centennial, ColoradoJun 26, 20072 Comments

Traveling south on Yosemite Street between Orchard and Arapahoe, I was in the left turn lane to turn East on to East Arapahoe Rd. and the signal short cycles during heavy traffic letting only 3 or 4 cars through encouraging you to run the yellow. But don’t run the yellow at this intersection! Look to your right, just above the walk/don’t walk sign on the far pole is a photo radar box. If you see the flash, you’re nabbed. This is a Very poorly planned overpass/intersection especially after they spent a Billion on T-REX with no improvements to East/West bound traffic flow. Just be patient!

That entire intersection is part of Greenwood Village, not Centennial.
#1Apr 30, 2010Report Abuse
Also the photo red light camera is gone
#2May 10, 2017Report Abuse

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