CITY LIMITS–pretty much anywhere along Hwy 90A

Eagle Lake, TexasSep 12, 20020 Comments

Eagle Lake Police may patrol anytime, but they’re most likely to be doing the radaring at night when traffic is light. Speed limits coming in from the West headed towards Houston drop to 45 at the grocery store, then 40, then 35, and then 30. They stay at 30 until almost the Texaco station. Then, it’s 45 on one side of the road and 40 on the other. Just go 40–not 45. A trooper sits on the other side and will write you a ticket as if in a 40 zone even though it’s 45. So, don’t press down on the gas too soon. It goes back to 70 after that, (65 night), until East Bernard. The Eagle Lake PD run a lot of radar and do ticket for speeders as well. It seems they do play fairly, though, and it looks like 5 over is likely to go unnoticed.

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