West Pioneer Parkway near South Bowen Road

Pantego, TexasApr 17, 20061 Comments

I was getting my oil changed at the Jiffy Lube in the 2100 block of W Pioneer Parkway and noticed a Pantego motorcycle cop tucked up against the building. Within the 1/2 hour that I was there he had pulled over at least 5 or 6 people. The employee doing my car said that the cop is usually there every day and that he usually doesn’t have to sit there more then 2 or 3 minutes before he has someone pulled over.

Pantego is nothing more then one big speed trap that probably makes the majority of their revenues from the tickets that their cops write.

It is not a speed trap because an officer is sitting in a certain location. There is nothing "Trap" about it. They are not causing the motorists to speed, most of us do. If you are speeding, accept the ticket.
#1Mar 24, 2010Report Abuse

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