Cherry St. Exit from I-30 Eastbound

Fort Worth, TexasOct 07, 20030 Comments

If you commute to downtown Fort Worth in the mornings by taking the Cherry St. exit from eastbound I-30 like I do, this may apply to you.

When you exit Cherry St., the speed limit goes from 55 to 30 as you exit and go under I-30. I’ve seen cops handing out tickets on the right side of the road near the 1st stoplight which is coincidentally their police car repair facility. I am not yet certain where they are radaring from as I have not seen anyone radarring, just a few officers on foot handing out tickets on the right side.

If anyone has any more details, please contribute. I’ll post more if I’m able to figure this one out. Its possible they are just packing up when I come by at about 7:40am.

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