State Highway 174 near S of Countryclub Rd. by rodeo grounds in Cleburne all the way thru Rio Vista

Rio Vista, TexasOct 08, 20070 Comments

Rio Vista enforcement is high all along Hwy 174 from just outside of Cleburne (by the rodeo grounds) all the way through Rio Vista – all the way to the RV campgrounds south of town.
174 is 60 miles per hour coming out of Cleburne, but it drops to 55 somewhere near John’s Store and then again to 45 in the main part of town. Watch out for the 60 to 55 mph drop – this is where they really watch.
Going north on 174, the speed limit is 70 mph south of Rio Vista. It drops to 60 for a short stretch and then to 55 somewhere near the RV campgrounds. This is where I got stopped.
Be very cautious on weekends and especially on weekends with holidays, however enforcement is alawys quite heavy. Do not speed through Rio Vista – you will be stopped!

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