301 University Boulevard near broadway Street

Galveston, TexasApr 29, 20081 Comments

There are no speed signs anywhere on Broadway or University Boulevard. The 35mph and 30mph speed limit is NOT POSTED. WOW! That makes it real easy to issue tickets to unsuspecting drivers.Officers still hiding behind stuff and writing tickets for driving over the NON EXISTENT SPEED LIMIT. Put some signs out for people that don’t live here but have to go to the hospital located off these two streets. Or were you just gunning for me because of your sick curiosity.

I learned from experience, if they do not post speed signs in areas like Broadway, the Texas State law is you MUST travel 30mph. Had to sit on a jury to find this out. Fellow lost his case but the jury was very sympathic and only fined him $1 a mile over the speed limit!
#1May 16, 2010Report Abuse

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