Interstate I-20 West near Mile Marker 414 west

Hudson Oaks, TexasDec 24, 20071 Comments

Units will sit at the 414 westbound entrance merger and get you as you top the bridge. Don’t be suprised when they follow 5 miles later to the 409 west bound marker and pull you over out of a pack of cars. When you pass the 412 west marker, you are in the county jurisdiction, but it don’t matter to them.

Due to a good police chief, over the past few years Hudson Oaks Police have definitely become more professional. With local commercial tax proceeds increasing they spend less time trying to generate income on issuing tickets. Occasionally there are traps but nothing like there used to be. Now WILLOW PARK is another story. Esp om I20.
#1Aug 17, 2015Report Abuse

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