Bayshore Boulevard

Tampa, FloridaMay 09, 20060 Comments

As anyone who lives near this area knows, police are always nabbing speeders on Tampa’s most famous road. They usually concentrate on the area south of Howard Avenue (down to Gandy blvd) in the grassy median or perhaps off one of the side streets, and occasionally from Howard north into downtown as well. Simply put, you’re asking for it if you travel 50mph or more (the speed limit is 40mph), and I see people pulled over just about every time I travel this road to/from work. Keep it under 50 and you should be fine, though you might want to keep it 45 and under just to be on the safe side. Unfortunately, several pedestrians have been killed on Bayshore in recent years, mainly by drivers who were traveling 60+, so in this case I’m glad the police are enforcing this area to the degree that they are.

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