I355 Expressway

Lemont, IllinoisMar 21, 20082 Comments

Be careful when traveling on the new 355 extension between I80 and I55. I travel this new expressway everyday and although it is very convenient, I also cannot believe how much police activity I see each day. I believe that the squads sit near the 143rd/Archer exit ramp and catch speeders heading northbound by the time they hit the 127th Street exit in Lemont. I was also surprised at what I saw just the other day… a ticket was being given to someone heading north (just before 127th) and just on the other side of the expressway (facing south) was a cop with a radar gun to catch speeders heading north. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I live in Lemont and am happy to be doing the 55mph speed limit on this wonderful new extension. Sure beats going back to the nerveracking traffic jams that we used to have in the am and pm rush hours. Also, I pretty much noticed this just with the pm rush hour. I just wish we didn’t have the most expensive tollway for just a 12 mile stretch ($1). Happy travels!

speed limit on I355 from I55 to I80 has just been raised to 65
#1Jan 12, 2011Report Abuse
I voted that this is not a speed trap per se as the speed is a constant 65 MPH for this entire stretch of highway. To me, a trap is when they sit right where the speed limit decreases and get people who haven't slowed down in time. However, I certainly agree that this stretch of highway is a hot-spot for patrols and parked vehicles with radar -many unmarked. In fact, the latest is a plain white Ford Explorer with black wheels that is using laser or "instant-on" if you will. I have a radar detector that picks up laser and I can say first-hand that this latest vehicle is very aggressive. Just missed nailing me twice in recent days. Both times it's been in the southbound lanes off on the right side of the road somewhere where you'd least expect to see a cop. It looks just like a plain-Jane Explorer that might be pulled over with car trouble or to make a call or text (yeah, right). Given the way my detector lights up and the direction of the SUV, my guess is that it's a 2-man operation with someone in the back (smoked windows) doing the laser part while having a dedicated driver. Either that or the driver has some kind of remote-control set-up that enables him/her to do it all. Either way, all of this makes it really easy to get caught speeding. While not a trap, they definitely have your number if you're speeding and they target you. So, my advice is to be alert (you should do this anyway), and, if you are going to speed, don't be the leader. Do it in a pack and be the 2nd or even 3rd car to give you extra seconds to slow down. Do not be tempted to go way faster than anyone as you will be an easy mark. Also, the old lift off of the gas and don't brake method may not be enough. You may want to grab some brakes too. Get a radar detector with laser capability. It works but you have very little time to slow down once it lights up. Yesterday's experience was really close -the SUV actually pulled out after I went by. I was in a pack, however, and I'm not sure if they could tell whom to pull over. Then again, it doesn't matter if we were all speeding as they can just pick one of us to write up. I think we all slowed down enough (in time) as we all hit the brakes. They just wanted to give us a scare and then pulled over just before the toll before RT 6 -again off to the right. I've seen the same SUV just before that Rt. 6 exit. So, it seems that you need to be the most alert between say 143rd and Rt. 6, but for all we know the patrol starts up north and just goes down to I-80 writing as many costly tickets as possible along the way.
#2Oct 17, 2012Report Abuse

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