Ogden Ave. (Rt. 34)

Downers Grove, IllinoisAug 28, 20032 Comments

Cops sit in business driveways at the edge of the road every few blocks along Ogden Ave. Also, more than once, I saw an Illinois State Trooper sitting in the parking lot of Cub Foods on 75th St. This was to catch people going above 10MPH and cutting across the painted parking lines instead of driving down the isles.

State Police do NOT make traffic stops in parking lots. That would be the responsibility of the local police and not the state troopers. Please people, get your facts straight before submitting comments.
#1May 14, 2010Report Abuse
State Police will absolutely make traffic stops in parking lots, why wouldn't they? Traffic violations are traffic violations, some are even enforceable anywhere in the state including private property.
#2Apr 30, 2014Report Abuse

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