US Highway State Route 59 near 111th aka Hassert Blvd Street

Naperville, IllinoisSep 11, 20071 Comments

Posted speed is 45. Would you believe we’ve seen an UNMARKED police MINI-VAN pulling people over?! They nail people heading east on 111th who cross the double yellow line to get to the left turn lane in long lines of stopped traffic, and those heading west who cut off other drivers to go straight from the "right turn only" lane. The truckers that are going too fast to stop for the red lights are a hazard but never seem to get pulled over.

I wouldn't say this is a speed trap, however, there are AND SHOULD BE police at this intersection. Many people are too impatient to wait for the long line of cars going straight or right to go - and they go into the ONCOMING traffic lane to get into the left turn lane. Since there is only one lane in each direction, and it's at the corner of a major intersection, anyone making this illegal and dangerous move deserves a ticket. I've witnessed terrible accidents at this intersection.
#1Aug 27, 2010Report Abuse

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