Higgins Road near State Route 72

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisMay 17, 20051 Comments

Route 72 or Higgins Road is a "hotbed" of speed traps for Hoffman Estates. The traps start from Roselle Road and go as far as the Town of east Dundee. Majority of the traps are right after the speed limit on higgins approaches 40 MPH. Before the 40 MPH Zone, the state used to have 50 has the speed limit, but dropped to 45. Hoffman Estates is sneaky with the use of several unmarked cars going routinely down Governors Lane on a routine basis, but also they like to use a turn-about which is obscur when you approach the Menards Hardware Store near Moonlake. The general rule here is not to speed through this town especially past the 35 MPH Zone. Cars they use are Linocln Continentals, Chevy Caprice, and Impala’s for unmarked. The good old Ford Crown Victoria is the police car of choice, along with SUVs. Best thing to do if your not speeding and have one of these cope behing you is to go two miles below the speed limit or keep pace. They’re not going to nail you for 5 hour. I live in this area and am well aware of a lot of the little games. They basically have nothing better to do!

The title of this entry, "Higgins Road near State Route 72" is another example of rudundancy. Higgins Road is Illinois State Route 72, so Higgins Rd. is certainly near Rt. 72.
#1Apr 22, 2012Report Abuse

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