US Highway US Route 20 near State Route 78

Stockton, IllinoisSep 03, 20083 Comments

They sit by the park hidden by the trees. It’s been a speed trap for many years. Cops have very little to do there and the day shift cops are the worst!

Maybe a stop and a thank you to those cops for sitting there would be nice, Just be glad that you were not one of the incidents that we have had over the past year with people being hit and killed by speeding drivers thru this town!
#1Mar 22, 2010Report Abuse
The comment from march 2010 is a lie. I have lived near Stockton,IL for 10 years and no one has been killed by speeding drivers in Stockton that I know of. Look it up online... There is defiantly a speed trap east of the high school football field along the south side of hwy 20 on the west side of Stockton and they also patrol HWY 78 from 20 to Warren. Warren has speed traps on the south side of town. Lena,IL has one one its south side as well.
#2Jul 22, 2010Report Abuse
From personal experience and being on the scene of 3 seperate incidents that WERE fatalties on Highway 20 in the village of Stockton the above statement is NOT A LIE. And yes I want to thank those cops for keeping our town safe!!!
#3Nov 25, 2010Report Abuse

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