State Route # 2 near State Route # 49

Valparaiso, IndianaSep 20, 20071 Comments

There is heavy road construction on #2, just East of #49 (due to a new mall going in). The lanes change around every few days, and I have been seeing the police sitting UNDER Rt. 49 trying to catch speeders! The bad thing about this is, with the road lanes changing around so often, most people are concentrating on staying in the correct lane (cones and markers are EVERYWHERE!), instead of paying attention to the speed limit (which I am not even sure what it is anymore!), and they are getting caught! I just think the police are taking unfair advantage of the people trying to avoid accidents in that area, with all of the current construction, lanes changing, etc.

Construction has been finished for some time, but Valparaiso Police like to troll between highway 30 and highway 2 interchanges. During fair weather seasons, they will use their shiny black Mustang to their advantage, sometimes sitting at an off ramp posing as a car pulled off to the side.
#1Mar 02, 2011Report Abuse

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