State Highway 18 near 1 Mile east of Stagg Hill Golf Course

Manhattan, KansasJun 16, 20061 Comments

Geary county police car heading west-bound on Fort Riley Blvd coming down the "hill" does a u-turn and pulls me over as I was heading east bound "up the hill" entering Manhattan. This location is approx 1 mile east of Stagg hill golf course and I have seen Many people pulled over here. The speed limit goes from 65 to 50 to 40 in about 1 to 2 blocks, even though there is nothing but trees around and NO construction. I got cited for a 67 in a 50. $212, totally outrageous. Be aware that this is considered a "work zone" even though you don’t come upon any work for about a mile down the road, an obvious money maker for the county. They drop "work zone" signs all over the place regardless if it is a work zone or not. It appears fines double in work zones even though they don’t put up the signs that say so. Kansas appears to be a real shit hole when it comes to traffic cops and I am going to invest in a quality radar detector and laser jammer immediately.

I agree that this is an area where you should watch your speed, because the limit drops several times in a short distance. However, I think the problem stems from the fact that most of the drivers on K-18 are soldiers and civil service personnel going to and from Fort Riley, and they all drive like bats out of hell. When these drivers are eastbound, heading into Manhattan, they just don't get their warp engines shut down in time, and that's why they get tickets. For most of the distance between Manhattan and Ogden, the speed limit of the highway is 65 mph. I usually drive about 70 on this stretch, and it is not uncommon for me to get passed like I am sitting still. There are often roll-over accidents and fatalities on this road due to high speeds and inattentive driving. Recently, there was talk about lowering the speed limit to make it a safer road, and a traffic study was done. The results of the study were that it wouldn't do any good to lower the speed limit, because nobody would obey it anyway. Personally, I think they should station a cop between Manhattan and Ogden permanently, because it is a dangerous road. Besides, they could make a mint and not have to request as much tax money. Also, I find it hard to believe the above driver got pulled over by a Geary County Police officer, because the area in question is in Riley County. Quite a way into Riley County actually, so a Geary County Police officer would be out of his jurisdiction. All this is just my opinion, however.
#1Apr 02, 2010Report Abuse

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