
Leavenworth, KansasApr 01, 20011 Comments

Police routinely hide behind dumpsters, and behind corners of buildings, giving you very little warning. Problem is, street is a 4 land superhighway, but with a 35 mph limit. It has wide lanes, and connects to 65 mph county highways on either side, yet is still 35mph. Cops routinely tag cars at the 65-35 junction, before they can adequately slow down.

Actually that is not true. Coming in from the north you top new government hill and there is a reduced speed ahead sign warning you to go from 65 mph to 45 mph, then there is a 45 mph sign about 1/2 way down the hill. Then you are warned to drop to 35 when you enter the city at 16th street. There should be no excuses for getting a ticket there. On the east side you cross the Missouri River bridge at 45 mph and immediately see a 35 mph sign as you come off the bridge and into the city. If you enter from 4th street you already have a 30 mph speed zone. And the only other entrance that you have have an issue with would be Fort Leavenworth and it exits onto Metropolitan from a 30 mph zone. You have to go from 30 to 60 to get your speeding ticket. Metropolitan is a 4 lane street with a center turn lane that is in the city, not an interstate highway.
#1Sep 28, 2010Report Abuse

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