Lawrence Avenue near Allen Road Expressway

Toronto, OntarioMar 28, 20040 Comments

2 alternating traps in the same vicinity.
(a) As you exit the Allen Road Expressway and go East along Lawrence,so you are on the south side of Lawrence Ave, after the first set of light, at the next side street, the police park there cruisers around the corner out of view and one police officier will stand on the side walk, hidden behind a post with his lasar out. Your vision is skewed from seeing the trap until it is too late. (They also sometimes have 2 chaser vechicles waiting in case anyone tries to blow the trap)

(b) In the same vicinity, on the North side of Lawrence Ave, just before you get on the Allen Road Expressway, the police park in the driveway of the school with the laser out hidden behind the cruiser.

I have seen many individuals get nailed in this area. It is a gravy spot for tickets, as the speed drops from 60km to 50km for the school. Whenever in the vicinity of Lawrence and Allen, do not speed.

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