Route 19 north or south

Summersville, West VirginiaJan 20, 20030 Comments

I was traveling South on 19 going home from Morgantown where I have been foing to school for 3 1/2 years and I have never gotten a ticket because I knew it was a TRAP. I slow down and go the speed limit. As I was coming out of the 50 mph into the 65mph I was behind traffic and going slower than them. The only thing I can guess is that he thought he would get someone. He said I was going 78 in a 65 but there is no way because if I had been then the other drivers in front of me would have been going just as fast or faster than me. My advice stay away from Summersville or go extremely under the speed limit because they will jack up the speed by 5 mph when they write the tickets. They are rude and unforgiving and are going to run the tourists out of WV.

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