Highway 58 Bypass near US Highway 15

Clarksville, VirginiaMay 29, 20071 Comments

Parts of the 58 Bypass are in the town limits of Clarksville, VA. The town limits are unmarked & the town cops work radar all the time. Sometimes the VA State Police are there also.

Yes this is a speed trap! You will not win in court. Signs are placed so there is no way you can reduce to the posted speed in time. And if you do slow to the posted speed you have already been clocked in the 60 mph zone before you get to the 45 mph zone. And the officer does not have to show you the numbers on his/her radar screen.......It's your word against the officer and the officer and the court does not have to prove anything........I noticed in court that the tickets where 61-64 mph.........Be Careful!!!
#1May 14, 2012Report Abuse

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