Interstate I-81 near Mile Marker 70

Wytheville, VirginiaDec 27, 20051 Comments

The officer had positioned his patrol car behind an embankment in the median which eliminated any observation of vehicles in motion. The officer totally relied on RADAR to issue tickets. The officer stopped me and another vehicle behind me, how he was able to determine that person’s speed I don’t know, and wrote both of us a ticket. I was in a pack of vehicles but I just happened to be in front in the left lane and my vehicle is bright white with distinguishing characteristics. The reason I feel this is a speed trap is because the patrol car was totally hidden and the officer did not physically observe me speeding.

Wythe County law enforcement officers are paid time and a half to work radar on their days off. They have to write a minimum amount of tickets to justify their overtime pay. Unfortunately, some of them come to rely on this EXTRA pay to pay things like house and vehicle payments. If they do not encounter enough drivers who really are speeding, then they are forced to fudge numbers a little so they can continue working overtime and make their payments.
#1Nov 15, 2014Report Abuse

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