Between Route 522 and Route 6…Dogtown Road.

Goochland, VirginiaMay 31, 20032 Comments

Usually in motion, towards opposing traffic.

I do not think this is a speed trap. I travel this stretch of road several times a day, every day. I have never been pulled over for speeding but I have had deputies flash their lights at me as a warning and if they don't see brake lights they will turn on their lights and slow down to come after you. I have never heard of an deputy flashing their lights as a warning in a speed trap.
#1Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse
My wife got a ticket on that road several years ago, just past the church. The deputy was running radar on opposing motion. The 35mph speed limit is a bit ridiculous however...inviting a ticket.
#2Nov 21, 2011Report Abuse

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