17 North towards Maryland border

Tappahannock, VirginiaJul 02, 20021 Comments

Watch out. They’ll bust you for as little as 4 miles over the limit. They have the newer radars that detect radar detectors, and they WILL, I repeat, WILL take it. They will also arrest you for reckless. The judge is pretty fair, but the troopers will right your ticket up for well over what you’re actually doing. ( eg, I was travelling at 70 in pack in a 55 zone, got pulled with other vehicle and was ticketed at the same rate as another car that blew past me at 83; judge didn’t believe me, trooper has a high reputation for multiple-vehicle pulls.) They sit everywhere, local enforcement and state. They’ll also hide off to the side, behind trees, and floor it out.

I was running a GPS unit with the POI for speedtraps pinging about every 1-2 mins on US 17 Northbound northwest of Tappahannock. I like US 17 rather than 95 and 64 when going to and from Tidewater VA. Anyhow, I couldn't have had more cop bait if I had tried. Bright RED rental car, Florida tags. Since VA Beach I had had slow and go for most of the trip and finally got some relief around Tappahannock. I was in a 60 zone and I know I was running pretty good, as I was trying to get through that abomination known as Fredericksburg before sunset on the Friday before Christmas. All I know was I crested a slight rise, and immediately saw the front end of a car sitting in the median behind the trees, which immediately pulled out and turned behind me, lights flashing. I had not stood a chance of not getting caught. Anyhow, I was cited as 75 in a 60, which frankly, I would have guessed more like near 70. The ticket was $151 - $51 of which was a processing fee - that was the biggest insult. But I have no doubt I would have gotten a ticket for 61 mph as much as 75. I know I was speeding, so I can't challenge it, but geesh, I didn't need a $151 ticket as a Christmas present when we were already struggling with lots of unplanned expenses from Nov already. Even though I don't routinely speed (and I commute 100 miles a day, but I plop it in cruise control at 65 and listen to my audiobooks), it really has me thinking about one of those detectors that the VA troopers can't detect.
#1Feb 19, 2014Report Abuse

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