Interstate 460 near Coming down the mountain into town.

Tazewell, VirginiaJun 20, 20071 Comments

When you are coming down off of the mountain which is 55mph…somewhere it changes to 35mph…the cop is waiting down there at the bottom… mind you, he doesn’t stop the semi-trucks who are "barreling" down the mountain and you are trying to get out of their way…I told the cop that this was a speed trap and he said, "I know ma’am, this morning the other officer was out here for only two hours and got 8 of em’"……I need not say anything else.

Four miles of U.S. Route 460 are inside the Town of Tazewell. Nowhere on this 4 mile stretch of road is the speed limit less than 55 mph. Are they talking about Cedar Bluff or Richlands?!
#1Mar 18, 2010Report Abuse

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