E Morris Blvd & S Haun Dr

Morristown, TennesseeJul 07, 20092 Comments

Greedy local government has radar and red light cameras set up with LOW speed limits and quick yellow on the red lights. i suggest going somewhere else to shop besides the mall.

I live in another state but pass through Morristown TN several times a year. My family always stopped at the mall and, over the years, have spent loads of money there. A few weeks ago, however, I was mailed a speeding ticket for going over the limit by six miles per hour. I was mailed a picture of my license plate and an address of were to send the fine money. I will never stop to purchase anything there again and I will certainly inform my friends to do the same. Let the Morristown city government use our fine dollars to shore up the economy of the Morristown mall!
#1Jun 06, 2010Report Abuse
Alot of cities are getting there lights removed, but its because of the people. If someone can get enough people together and maybe a petition signed, then maybe we could do something about the cameras. I'm always afraid of going through those lights that right before I get to the line its going to go yellow and I want hit my brakes in time and it'll get me.
#2Nov 30, 2010Report Abuse

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