Smith Springs Rd. Road near Butler Rd. Road

Nashville, TennesseeOct 14, 20080 Comments

This speed trap is located on Smith Springs Rd. at Butler Rd.

Metro Police will park their patrol cars on Butler Rd. well
out of view from the traffic on Smith Springs Rd. They get
out of their patrol cars and stand (hide) behind the telephone pole
at the end of Butler Rd. while they target traffic heading east
on Smith Springs Rd. which is heading toward the CastleGate

I have seen Metro Police there on weekdays any time from 12 noon up to 7pm.
and on weekends any time from 8am to 5pm.

Wednesday on the second week of the month seems to be a ticket quota
day for Metro traffic enforcement.

The speed limit is 35mph. Slow down before you reach Rural Hill Rd.
otherwise its too late because this is a Lidar/Laser speed trap.

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