Old Welsh Road btw Easton & Fitzwatertown @Crestmont Park

Willow Grove, PennsylvaniaNov 18, 20031 Comments

Device used was ROBIC(?)Was clocked for only .3 miles (3/10s) at 50 in a 35 MPH zone. Was not speeding after 3/10s of a mile! Was told by the officer that the area was being watched after complaints from neighbors and he was forced to ticket all offenders. The defined area is NOT residential, is bounded by a large shopping mall access road on one side and a park on the other. PA Statute PVC 3362-A1 fines totaled $134 with points going against my license and affecting my insurance.

Not saying cops don't hang out there once in a while and stop speeders but that goes for just about anywhere in the area. In the 2003 case it appears some neighbors had been complaining, and I'm sure that they probably set up for a few days to make a point. I drive on this particular stretch several times a day, it's one of my favorite back routes and I live near there. The part nearest to Fitzwatertown is all residential and they probably were the neighbors that complained. People do zip through there sometimes. The rest of the area, while not residential, is far from a place that should be driven at highway speeds. There are kids that play in that park. There are cars going in and out of that shopping center constantly. Unless it was late at night 50MPH was far from a safe speed and you deserved a ticket for driving that fast there.
#1Mar 22, 2015Report Abuse

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